Tuesday, July 3, 2012

OOAD - Cycle test 2

Cycle test - 2

1. Differntiate between Patterns and Frameworks
2. Write short note on UA proposed Repository
3. What are the three steps in CRC process?
4. Define aggregation. What are the major properties of a-part-of relation?
5. What 'extends' association is used?

6. Describe patterns and various pattern templates
7. What are the elements of a class diagram? Explain with examples.
8. Explain about super-sub class realtionships.
9. What are the guidelines for finding uses cases?

10. Explain the Booch and the Rumbaugh methodology in detail
11. Discuss about the Noun Phrase approach for identifying classes woth an example
12. Explain in detail about UML sequence and collaboration diagrams

Tags : cycle test, cycle test 2, 2012, ooad, Object Oriented Analyasi and Design, sem 4

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