Friday, May 11, 2012

Java Programming - Semester Paper

School of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications
APRIL 2011 - IVth Semester
Date fo Exam : 11/05/12
Part - A : Answer all Questions
Part - B : Answer all Questions, either (a) or (b), one only
Part - C : Answer any Three only
1. What are the uses of Break Statement in Java ?
2. What is Instance variable hiding ?
3. List the restrictions to be considered when methods are declared as static ?
4. What is the advantage od Dynamic method Dispach ?
5. give the general form of an Interface ?
6. What are the four categories of visibility fo rclass members in Java ?
7. Write the teo important methods of the Throwable class ?
8. What is the use of Finally block ?
9. Define Event Listeners .
10. What is an adapter class
11. (a) Explain with an example the function of the Switch statement [OR]
11. (b) Explain the Parameterized Constructors.
12. (a) How final is used to prevent overriding and overloading [OR]
12. (b) Discuss the three cases in while defining Methods for a Subclass
13. (a) Explain in detail about Package hierarchy  [OR]
13. (b) Explain in detail about Importing Packages
14. (a) How do you create your own Exception Subclasses. Explain. [OR]
14. (b) Explain the Life Cycle of a Thread
15. (a) Write an applet program to Display your Profile with different font and color settings [OR]
15. (b) Expalin the Structure of an applet
16. Define Method. How Method overloading is implemented in Java. Explain with an example
17. Distinguish Overriding and Overloading with an Example
18. Define Interface. How do you Create and Implement Interface. Explain with example
19. Write a Java Program to demonstrate Exception handling
20. What is an Applet Tag. How do you define and Pass parameter tag in Applets. Explain       

TAGS : Sem 4, Semester Paper, Semester Question Paper, April 2012, Java, Java Programming

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